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Dork Fresh Magento Add Admin 2017-2018

Hai :v Kali ini gua akan sedikit Share Dork Magento Add Admin :p Langsung saja ah jangan lama-lama

inurl:/webforms/index/index intext:2016
inurl:/webforms/index/index/ intext:beauty intitle:shop dll
intext:powered by webforms "contact" intext:2016
intext:powered by webforms "contacto" intext:2016
intext:powered by webforms "contact" intext:by
intext:powered by webforms intext:shipping
intext:"powered by webforms" ladies
intext:"powered by webforms" man
inurl:index.php/checkout/cart/ intitle:shopping
inurl:checkout/cart/ intitle:shopping cart
"audio" intitle:"Search Terms"
"shop" intitle:"Search Terms"
"mobile" intitle:"Search Terms"
inurl:index.php/customer-service intitle:customer service
"mall" inurl:index.php/customer-service
"shirt" inurl:index.php/customer-service
"beauty" inurl:index.php/customer-service
"online" inurl:index.php/customer-service
"games" inurl:index.php/customer-service
"city" inurl:index.php/customer-service
"mobile" login inurl:customer/account/login/ site:.com
intitle:shop inurl:account/login/ site:.com
intext:2016 inurl:customer/account/ site:.com
inurl:/checkout/onepage/Login site:.com
"site magento" inurl:/index.php/admin/index/
"site magento" inurl:/index.php/admin/index/
inurl://?___from_store=id intext:magento
inurl:/?___store= intext:magento
inurl:/categories/books/ intext:magento
"shirt" inurl:customer/account/login/ site:.com
"Site magento"
/index.php/admin/sales_order/ site:?
"shirt" inurl:customer/account/login/ site:.com
"jeans" inurl:account/login site:.com
"Login or Create an Account. Registered Customers. If you have an account with us, log in using your email address. *Email Address. *Password. Login"

*Kembangin trus guys :p

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Deface Mengguanakan Magento Add admin 

Semoga bermanfaat


  1. KK Ditunggu kunjungan baliknya yaa :)
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    Salam Dari Garuda Security Hacker kk :)

  2. KK Ditunggu kunjungan baliknya yaa :)
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    ,http://www.moderncoding.id >> Website share tentang deface, hacking , programming, web development, dan masih banyak lagi tentang teknologi :)

    Salam Dari Garuda Security Hacker kk :)

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